3 Pillars of Sustainable Birth Work With Kyleigh Banks

  • 00:05

    Welcome to doula Tips and Tits. This podcast is a place where we answer one question about doula work, both to support you and to help you support your clients. I'm Kaylee Harrod. I've been supporting families in this perinatal space since my oldest was born, 12, nearly 13 years ago.


    I am a birth and postpartum doula, childbirth educator, La Leche League leader, and a doulla coach. I love guiding and supporting doulas as they work out their doulah business. It is tremendous this joy to be trusted in this way.


    Thank you for joining us on this journey. Hello and welcome back to doula tips and tips. I am super excited to have another guest with us, Kylie Banks. Kyli is the founder, owner of thebirthworker .com and does some of this same stuff that I do in birth work and coaching doulas and sustainability, doulopreneur stuff.


    But I think one of reasons that I connected with Kyly and wanted to this conversation is so that you all can hear the way that her business has morphed over the years and what that has looked like, because I want you to have a better sense of what this can look like for you, right?


    What doulas do and the variety of things that we do. So Kylie, welcome. I'm so excited to have you here. And I would love for you share a little bit about yourself with the listeners. Hey, yeah, but also as birth worker podcast.


    So the autonomy mommy is my business. It's my baby. That is how I grew into what I am today, which is, you know, birthworker .com and this, this big business, it did not start there. So I started probably just like almost every other person listening to this as an in -person doula, um, that was pre -COVID.


    So about five years ago, I did the in person doulas training thing. I became a doulah and the only way that I, started to build my business was through in person birth support. And I just wasn't able to find consistent clients or make enough money doing that.


    And i was stuck in this loop where I had another full time job. So I didn't have enough time to build my doula business, but I needed the money because my dual business wasn t making money. so I HAD to work my other full -time job and so i got to this place where i s like, okay, like the clients are starting to come in but they're coming in like two clients this month and and then no clients this month.


    And then one client and the no -clients, and three clients and one -client was not consistent. And so after about a year in business, I was just like, I need some consistency, please. How do I find consistency?


    So the next thing I added was virtual support. And over time, I fell in love with business and we can go totally into this if you want to, but over the time I ended up adding e -books and workshops and online courses and coaching programs.


    And once that doula and childbirth education business hit six figures, and really became successful and sustainable, I actually started having a lot of doulas asking me, wait, how can I do that? Can you teach me how to do it too?


    And that was the point where I started to pivot. So it was 2022 that I start to a pivot towards creating a doulo training program and business courses for doulas. And, and over time I actually started slowly leaving the childbirth education behind because my passion started shifting too.


    So you tell me what you want to dive into because I'm more than happy to go into every single piece of that. I love this and part of why I loved our chat so we just finished recording for your podcast.


    Um, and part of why I love, I think when I've like read your stuff on Instagram and connected over your podcast, like I resonate with you in part because of that like flexibility that you've had. Right.


    And I. Think that that is a part. Of life. That's a. Part of doula work, right? But also, I think sometimes as a doula, it's hard to imagine that because we start out like, first of all, with the idea that we have to be trained and certified and everything that we want to do, right, and then also we're kind of like put into this box of I do birth, and that's that looks like this and I did postpartum and that was like that and maybe I deal with placentas or herbalism or whatever else and that looks like this, right?


    And we have these different camps. And so one of the things I love about what you kind of talk about is expanding that and like, like be imaginative about, what else that can include. And I loved that you do that when, when you yourself are not currently a doula, because I think that also is a beautiful example of being like okay, this piece of my business fits me best now, and I'm going to change, I'm going to pivot more into that and let this other piece that served me well, that was a beautiful piece of this business go.


    And that's okay. You know, so I would love to hear kind of what has that looked like and what do you, like what are some tips that you have for do that? That is sustainability to me. Like sustainable birth work is not some like buzzword that we should just like read over and then like ignore.


    No, sustainable birth work is like, how do I create a business that thrives right now in the present, but also in a way that allows me to adapt and pivot and change and still like have success in birthwork.


    So I mean, we never know, like we were just talking about how I just moved to a new city, so I don't have any clients on my books, which is really like new. It could look like there's another COVID, it could like you get have a surprise pregnancy with quadruplets and now how are you going to go be on call all the time, right?


    You could get sick. There could be an accident. There's so many things that could make it so you don't want to where you can't attend birth in person as much as you need to to pay your bills. And so why not set up a business that is adaptable, flexible, pivotable.


    And that's really what sustainable birth work is. So this is like the core of like what I love and preach about all of the time. But I have come up with like three different pillars that I used to talk about it.


    One of them is in person support or in person packages. It's not necessarily like being on call, but anything where you have to like get in your car and go somewhere falls into that category. That's an amazing category because you Have that in -person connection with your clients, you can completely customize your packages and, and physical touch and hands on support.


    And it's so cool. but if you're only relying on doing in -person support, what happens when you move? What happens, when there's another COVID? What happened when get sick, right? It's not pivotable.


    And to be honest, you also can only serve people within like a 50 mile radius of where you live, which is like, you can't impact the globe when doing that. So the other portion, which was very easy to add to your business would be virtual offers, where your doing a lot of the same stuff you are doing it in person, but you just doing over the phone or over Zoom.


    So when I take like the pillar of virtual offers, in my mind, you still have to actually show up. So you have like be on Zoom or be on the phone you're actually interacting, but now you can actually interact with people across the world.


    So, your no longer limited to just 50 mile radius. You can be in your pajamas. You could schedule your calls in between homes going to your kids. And you could go to Costa Rica on vacation and still coach your clients.


    So that virtual support, that's, you know, virtual dual support which is pretty normalized after COVID. It's just one -on -one coaching calls, it's group coaching, it is memberships, communities, things like that.


    And then the last pillar that I love is passive offers. And passive offer is where it truly scalable. So passive offerings not only don't require you to show up in person, but they donít even require to you show on Zoom.


    The way that I like to explain this for someone who's brand new, I say, Hey, could you attend 100 births in one month in person? Absolutely not. Okay. Could you host a hundred workshops on zoom every month?


    No, there's not enough days in the month. Okay, it could. You sell a 100 eBooks in 1 month, yeah. Okay? Could, you sell 1000 ebooks in a month yeah, can you tell 10 ,000 e -books and one day yeah like as long as your systems are set in place.


    So passive offers is where we are truly scalable. We are not limited based on the amount of time we want to work. We're not on limited on the number of income we have or the impact we had. And passive offer look a lot like prerecorded childbirth education courses.


    And then like digital downloads like eBooks. And with each three of those columns, I actually think that like the best like, let's say like to me like the objectively best businesses have a mixture of all three of those pillars, and then also like different price points.


    And that's where you're like literally customizing your business to whatever your dream lifestyle is. So some people say, you know, I want to attend one to three births per month in person, but I'm also gonna do monthly live workshops on Zoom that are low cost workshops, but also I am gonna have an ebook and a prerecorded course in a funnel on my website that people can literally just buy all the time.


    And now when we do that, and by the way, we're not trying to do everything. We're doing like a hundred different things. We are picking like one to two offers from each of those pillars. That's when you have a completely customizable business that is going to be really not only financially fulfilling, but like personally fulfilling for you also.


    I love that. And I loved that you like have it the three pillars because I think the way that we think about doula work is really that first pillar right like in person stuff maybe a little virtual like especially with since the pandemic.


    It's easier to imagine like I do you know one prenatal virtually always in a package, you know, and that feels a bit more acceptable than it did. But I think the idea of passive income is something that doulas don't even dive into.


    And that is where like, like you, your body is not needed at all in that space, right? Like once you have it set up, it works and it runs on its own. I mean, there needs to be tweaking and, you know, some like tech stuff sometimes, but, But you are not getting called at 2 a .m.


    from your ebook sales, you know, and you're not getting woken up for a 30 hour birth support from your e -book sales. And that I think is a huge piece of this work. I mean, as you were talking, I'm like, yeah, I am sitting here with a fractured ankle at the moment and had to not attend a birth this week.


    And I talked to a doula that I was coaching and she was like gosh, imagine if you were just doing in person birth and postpartum work and I am like yeah. Oh, I can imagine that. It would have cost me a whole heck of a lot of money to not be present and to pay other people to be president.


    And I would be making absolutely nothing because I'd have to present with people to make money, right? And so part of it I think is that we sometimes can look at this as like one day in the future when I'm successful like you, you know, I will have these things.


    And the reality is the passive offers and the virtual offers let you have capacity for the in -person support at a sustainable rate, because so many full -time doulas are attending like 60 births a year.


    And I just talked to a doula the other day that was like, I can't keep doing this. Like this, I'm attending 60 something births a day. That is my whole business. My business is very successful, but I cannot continue at this rate.


    So what does that look like? Because this is all I do. This is the train that I am on, And how do I jump off of that and not drown in that process? You know, which is so much harder. Like, how are you going to find the time to go create an ebook or a website funnel or welcome sequence if you're literally on call for like multiple births per week?


    Yeah. Yeah, it's not a like, when I am successful, I'll do this. And it is not even like when I have 10 ,000 followers, then I will do this because I see it so often that people end up getting to that really busy place.


    And then they're running around like a chicken with their head cut off because they are so busy. It's like, now what do I do? I have students who have gone from 5 ,000 to 120, 000 on Instagram within a couple of months.


    And now they have 120 000 followers that they feel like they have to always produce content for, but they never set up their funnels. They never set their freebies or their welcome sequences. So they aren't actually like not financially getting any kickback from all of that work that you're doing, But now they're also at a point where they are too burned out to even really want to go do that thing.


    So yeah, it's like, when's the best time to start building those passive offers like literally today? By this weekend, every single person listening to this could have a virtual one to one coaching call on your website.


    It does not have to be planned out. It doesn't have be like super detailed. It could be a pick my brain type of session. But that's, like the one thing that you could up on our website, like really this week.


    Yeah. Yeah, and that I think, I mean, one, one thing that always I'm constantly saying to new doulas is like, if you don't say that you have stuff, right? If you tell people what you do that, you sell things that have things to offer.


    No one will buy them because they don' t know that they exist. Right? So if your thinking to yourself, oh yeah, one -to -one coaching, I could do a birth planning session or I can do like picking a looks like and whatever I want it to be about.


    Okay, then write it down, like put a price on it, put it out there. And what's the worst case scenario? No one will buy it. And it's taking you five minutes to put it on your website. Yeah. And that's where you're at now.


    Nobody's going to have it now because you don't have it and the best case scenarios, eventually someone will by it and then you are going have things that you just do on zoom. And that gets you even more comfortable with being like, okay, I worked with this person, you know, I met with Kylie just for one hour and that's a different kind of client relationship than someone that I'm at their birth, but it's still doula work, right?


    And you start to build in the diversity that then equals an actual amount of income that you need and want where just birth or just postpartum just overnight. So my word will never get you to, because you are going to not be able to sustain the volume that's necessary.


    And I mean, for me, I think I would love to hear what this looks like for you, Kylie, but for Me, one of my goals two years ago was to take the month of July off, Because I was like, I have not had any time not being on call, like in my life, right?


    Like, not my life in, my six years of being a doula. Right? But prior to that, my children kept me on call. But, but then like this year, I'm hoping to take off the whole fall and winter from birth work in person.


    And that takes a level of intentionality to build up the other pieces, But also feels so necessary after six years of having my ringer on 24 hours a day. You know, I would love to hear what that looks like for you and like how you help doulas build that in.


    Yeah, I recommend exactly what you did at the beginning for all doula starting in our doulo training program, which is like, at least one or two months a year where you're just not taking any births.


    Now, the funny thing with birth work is just because no one's due that month, like doesn't mean that no babies are going to come that long. Yes, really, the more sustainable thing to do would be to take six months off because then you know, for sure, no, babies are coming at least one or two of those months.


    But yeah, I love what you're talking about because it really comes back to like sustainability and burnout. And one of the reasons that I'm so passionate about these three different pillars and like building a business around your lifestyle is that if you don't do that, like you are going to burn out.


    If you burn out who is going help moms have amazing birth experiences? And I think every single one of us got into this work to help people have great experiences. And if we burn out and if you don't take care of ourselves, we're not going to be able to do that.


    We're going quit. We are going go back to work for a job that we don' t want to work. Our passion is going fizzle out. And that's not fun. That's fair. I don''t want your passion to fizzle out, but you mentioned burnout because of sustainability, like the time and the money.


    You're spending too much time not making enough money, that is a huge reason that people are burning out Um, another one would be just the trauma of attending births, to be honest, which is for sure.


    Another podcast and conversation. Yeah. But yeah. Witnessing. We are witnessing trauma, uh, over and over, and depending, you know, what kind of births you're attending and how they unfold can be very heavy.


    And unless you have the systems in place and probably even like still, if you have a systems and place, it can be hard to, to want to put yourself into birth rooms again. But the last one that I see too, that I don't think is talked about enough.


    One of the main reasons that I See people burning out is, is they're not building an authentic business. They're trying to build a business that they think would work, or this is how you should do it, or I want to serve everybody because I Don't want to dare leave somebody out.


    Those are just three examples of ways that like people would be building an inauthentic business, but I see that all the time. And to be honest, I've been totally been there too. where I get like really deep into something.


    And I'm just like, why am I even doing this? Like, so a real life example is I had a home birth. I love homebirth. Homebirth is my jam and not necessarily because I love when birth happens at home. It's just the type of women who plan to have a home -birth are like totally my type of people.


    They're like anti -government and anti medicine, and I've been doing it on my own. And like I just freaking love that, which is like my bias. and I know that not everyone is like that at all, which is totally great.


    Um, but I remember times in my life where I was like, I'm going to create a, a workshop on hospital birth. And then I get it and get finished teaching and like why did I, why am I trying to serve everyone?


    Like why am spending all this time creating things that serve people when in reality, like my soul would be so much more lit up if I built an authentic business. We talked a little bit about when we recording my podcast, but you've gotten to a point where you can say no to clients you don't want to work with.


    And a lot of the duels, when they're starting, they are not. They're saying yes to everyone and that's not good for burnout. So trauma, authenticity, time, money, alignment, so many reasons that duos are burning out.


    I don t know if you know the number. I would love to find out somehow, all I know is that when I became a doula, there were like 10 to 15 women in my class and really, really like I'm the only one still doing this, to be honest.


    Yeah, it's an incredibly high number. I had the stats at one point, but I don't remember, I think it was like up to 70% or something crazy high. And it, it is more like the timeframe, right? Like I think 70%.


    Don't go past five years is the thing. But like for me, I mean, I trained, there were only four people in my training. It was a smaller training And only two of us ever did birth work. And the other one I'm pretty sure still is not.


    And so like two were, didn't even ever start because it was just too much to even dive into. You know? I mean, I think that also speaks to our. Crappy systems of training that we could get a, a whole nother.


    Again, all another podcast episode on. So Kylie has some amazing programs. And I would love for you to share Kylie, what are some ways that people can connect with you? What are the programs that you have right now happening that can hear about and would be interested in?


    Oh my gosh, okay. I'm going to tell you the story of how they came to be too because it's such a great business story. So after I created my childbirth education program and my eBooks and I was doing workshops, I had actually launched my child birth education program like three to four times over the first six months of its life and it did really well every single time.


    And I got to a point where I was like, let me pull my audience. My audience was big at this point, I think 10 ,000 on Instagram. Let me poll my audiences and see like what they want next. Like I'm ready to create the next thing.


    What do they want? And like 99% of people told me a doula training program. To be honest, my very first instinct was, like hell no, absolutely not. And the reason was, was I knew that in order to do it justice, it was going to be this bit like, there's no way I could do a justice right if I had to do justice they would have to the six month thing, I would need thousands of dollars to go hire different trainers because like I'm not an expert on everything at all.


    It's my first instinct was like hell no. But because so many people said they were interested something like 250 people got on a wait list that they interested. I was like, you know what, let's just see what's going to happen here.


    This is what they want for me. Let's see. And I ended up doing a pre -sale, which I love. Before I create anything, I loved doing the pre sale. My goal was to sell 65 spots total, not just the presale, total.


    If I could teach 65 people virtually, 65 new doulas, I'm going be happy. I end up selling 69 spots on that five -day pre sell, which was four months before it was actually gonna start. And I was like, okay, this is the validation I need that like this really needed.


    And so I spent six months, four to six month and tens of thousands of dollars hiring all these amazing experts to come in and teach. And So I teach on the topics that I love. So physiological birth, autonomy, birth planning, business, social media, websites, contracts, all of that stuff, but then I hired other people to come in to teach about trauma or postpartum or even like pelvic dynamics and all these amazing things.


    So that dual training program is called Birthworker Academy. I taught it in live cohorts for the first year, but I realized that instead of doing like a really intensive couple of weeks, it's going to be way better to do like longer term.


    People are going needs support a little bit longer. So it's turned into a 12 month program. It's called birth worker Academy. And that's a dual training program and then after a while I was like, wow, I probably should stop launching my childbirth education course.


    Because so many people love this do a training that I really need to start start not watering down everything I'd really need to stop focusing. But I spent six months creating this childbirth Education course that i launched and it works really well and people love it and I don't want to throw it away because what am I what am i going to do with this and so what I decided to do was create a childbirth educator training program and use the curriculum that I made for my students as a curriculum, that now my doula students, my educator students can go use with their clients.


    So what this is called, if anyone is new to this world, it's called white labeling. So I white labeled my entire childbirth education course And now it's a curriculum that lives inside of our Childbirth Educator Training Program.


    This gets so wordy, CBE Training program. And it is a curricula that my students can then put their branding on, add their logo to, there's word -for -word scripts. And on top of that, it also a full -on Child birth educator training program, so you learn about birth and options and interventions and business and all that stuff too.


    So at that point, I had my doula training programs, my Child Birth Educators Training program. And then there were all these duos that came to me that said, Kelly, I'm already a doula, I already have my own courses, or I've already took another childbirth educator training course, but I just need help with content, with social media, marketing, all those things.


    So that's what then led me to create our program that is called the dualpreneur method. At the same time, I created that program, and then I also created my business coaching membership. Those programs have nothing to do with birth.


    You do not learn how to be a doula in those business programs. It's literally like naming your business, pricing your offers, creating your offers creating, your website, social media, email, funnels, content, marketing, podcasting, ads, like all of the business stuff, which we were laughing a little bit earlier because we kind of have that brain where we love birth, but we also love business which is not very common out there.


    One's very masculine, one's feminine. But I've definitely been bitten by the birth bug and the business bug. So I'm obsessed with business. Those are the ways that you can work with us now, doula training, child birth educator training and then our business programs.


    I love that. And I actually have one of my doulas that's on my team and that did my coaching is in your childbirth education training right now. Yeah. She sent it to me and she was like, what do you think?


    Is Kylie good? I was like, I mean, she's awesome. I haven't taken her training, so I don't know. But you let me know, yeah. So she is in there at the moment, which is fun. That's so funny. Yeah. I also think this speaks to another form of sustainability is as your business grows, ask the people who are there what they want.


    Thousand percent, they'll tell you. They'll straight up tell you exactly what they want And then you can be like okay, what does that look like? How do I, and honestly, like that is a more sustainable way to start anything new, right?


    Rather than just kind of like constantly inventing things and throwing things out there, um, when I started my doula coaching, I had probably three months of talking to new doulas and hearing like, if you had a doulla coach, what would you want that to look like?


    What do you, want program to include? What would you hope that program would cost? Like, What will it look in terms of face to face time? Like how would it work for you? And it ultimately just gave me a ton of validation that what I wanted to do was in fact what people wanted, but also helped tweak like, like gives you the actual language of like this is what people are saying and looking for and so that's also I mean even as you're describing your own offers right that that one of the practices as a business owner you can get into like okay folks like what do you want to hear.


    And I mean, on the podcast, you hear me say this all the time, like ask me your questions and then I will answer your question on podcast. I know Kylie, you have a whole podcast day that you answer questions, which I love.


    But that I think is another way to think about having offers that kind of line up with the people that are currently in your world so that your not creating something that then you'll have to find a ton of people to put into it rather than like using the people who are already there.


    So absolutely. Yeah, I've in the last four years three four years. I have never never spent more than a few hours working on something that wasn't validated in The form of people giving me money for that thing and that sounds crazy when you're first starting like so scary like I don't want people to give me Money for something.


    That's not created yet, but let me tell you it lights the fire under your ass to go actually create that. Yeah. And then hey, and then you know that you know, that people are interested. that's huge validation.


    And I love, I loved what you said about like asking you asking people questions and them giving you the answers. But then also you're trying to see like, what are they asking me? And you nailed it. It just gives you a validation, but it also gives you those words, right?


    The words that they actually use. I remember specifically with my childbirth educator training, I did a pre -sale and a wait list and the pre sale, the presale for that was my first six -figure week ever which was so exciting.


    But then, you know what it did, it let me then go hire the team to help me put that thing together, right? And during that pre -sale, I did a survey form, which you teach your students how to do survey forms.


    I do the survey form and I asked questions. What would you like to see? What you would like included? What do you need to know before you buy? Things like that. And when it came to actually write the emails and write the sales page.


    I just went to that form that spreadsheet and like literally scrolled down, I was like, Oh, this person needs, says that in order for them to buy, they would want to know like what's the ongoing cost of running a business.


    Boom website, FAQ sales, page how, what, what is the on going cost to running business? Uh, I would need to go X, Y, Z boom, put that on the Sales page and hate nowadays. would copy and paste that into chat GPT and have chat to BT right.


    the salespeople for me, to be honest. Um, but yeah, just having conversations is like the foundation to be honestly, real life conversation and connection is the foundation of growing a successful business.


    So how can I ruin that little nugget? Yeah. Yeah, well, um, we are going to wrap up for today because we are at our time, But Kylie, We need to do things together in the future. Yeah also, I feel like I should have told you this at the beginning of the episode.


    I spent half my life. I still have half of my being called Kyli. And I don't know if you get called some other version. I feel like your spelling is maybe keeping you from that more, but maybe not. You know, you'd be surprised.


    People find people do Kaylee a lot. And i'm like, there's not an A in my name at all. I'm like in what little does K -A -E mean Kai? I am so confused. Yeah. Anyway. Yeah, so I have a doula friend who's named Jaylee and she and I are always like we obviously have to collaborate because we have basically the same name.


    J &K. That is so funny. But yes, I would absolutely love to. Summits, workshops, you name it, I'm in. Yeah, yeah. I am excited for it. Thank you again for being on. Listeners, all of Kylie's information is in the show notes.


    You can connect with her. I do recommend that you go listen to her podcast, the Birthworker podcast. Full of awesome gems and very similar to this one in that it's just like very authentic and down to earth, which I love.


    So Kylie, thanks again. Thank you. Thanks for joining us for this episode of the doula Tips and Tits podcast. If you learned something today or had an aha moment, we'd love for you to share that on Instagram and tag us at hiradoula so we can celebrate alongside you if you found this podcast helpful.


    We would so appreciate you taking a second to leave a rating and a review on your favorite podcast app. That helps other doulas find us as we do this work together. This podcast is intended as educational and entertainment.


    It is not medical advice or business advice. Please consult your own medical or legal team for your needs around yo

Since leaving her soul-sucking “real job” in 2019 with no real plan, Kyleigh has helped over 1,400+ moms prepare for their births, AND over 450+ visionary women turn their passion for birth into a full-time career!!

In less than two years, Kyleigh has successfully generated over half a million dollars in her birth-focused business (attending births, hosting workshops, teaching childbirth education, and selling online courses and coaching programs)... all from running a sustainable and profitable doula business!!

As one of the few entrepreneurs to combine the topics of birthwork and business, Kyleigh Banks quickly became a trusted doula trainer and business mentor. She launched the Birthworker Podcast in July of 2022 – debuting at #17 in the category “USA: Business: Careers” and has maintained a top 200 rating ever since!

Kyleigh is the founder of Birthworker.com and is committed to providing doulas around the world with the resources and support they need to ditch their 9-5, stay home with their kids, and start living life on their own terms (even without being on call for births 24/7!)

Kyleigh is best known for two things — questioning the status quo in just about anything related to birth AND birth work... and teaching new and experienced birthworkers how to bring their businesses online in a long-term and sustainable way so they don’t have to be on-call 24/7 for the rest of their lives.

When Kyleigh isn’t helping birth nerds go all-in on their doula business, she’s traveling across the world with her family, binging birth and business podcasts (duh!), or... let’s be honest... scrolling mindlessly on TikTok LOL!

CONNECT with Kyleigh:

The Birthworker Podcast: https://www.thebirthworkerpodcast.com/

Upcoming Masterclass: https://www.birthworker.com/masterclass

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/birthworkerpodcast

 Website: www.birthworker.com

CONNECT with Kaely on TikTok or  Instagram



If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @harroddoula

Kaely Daily is produced by Kaely Harrod of Harrod Doula Services

It is sponsored by The Birth Prep Blueprint Childbirth Class

Music by Madirfan: Hidden Place on Pixabay


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