That Please Hire Me Doula Energy

  • 00:04

    Welcome to doula Tips and Tits. This podcast is a place where we answer one question about doula work, both to support you and to help you support your clients. I'm Kaylee Harrod. I've been supporting families in this perinatal space since my oldest was born, 12, nearly 13 years ago.


    I am a birth and postpartum doula childbirth educator, La Leche League leader, and a doula coach. I love guiding and supporting doulas as they work out their doula business. It is a tremendous joy to be trusted in this way.


    Thank you for joining us on this journey. Welcome back to doula Tips and Tits. Today, we are talking about coming to a consultation with that please hire me energy. Now, I know that might sound silly, but that like desperation that we can sometimes come with when we are coming to a consultation is a problem friends.


    It is not something that serves us. It's not something that serves our clients. It's not something that honestly sets us up to be like really hired by people, right? Like it is, it's something I would say really holds us back.


    And I think the problem is that when we do that, we're also kind of setting ourselves up for feeling like we have to say yes, right? Like we can't ignore red flags. We can't, we can't like, you know, think through like what boundary we have.


    Like we're just showing up like ready for anyone and everyone to hire us in a way that is not okay, right? Now, from like a mindset space, this is problematic because the underlying belief there is that no one's going to hire you or that you're not worthy of being hired.


    or your services aren't worth it or whatever other kind of belief you might have underlying that, right? The other thing is that you have this kind of like instead of bringing calm and relaxing to your clients, you're bringing that anxious energy with you to make them feel like maybe there's something that they're missing that they like, you know, they have to figure out so that they don't like, they don't feel like great about the fact that they're hiring you anyway, right?


    And they don't know if it's a good fit, etc., because they just they're like, I don't know, I don't have any way of knowing if this is the right thing because you're coming to this in a way that makes me feel anxious about it, right?


    So when we think about this energy, I think there's a few things that we can hone in on and kind of focus on. I want you to think through, do you come with any of this? Now, I don't just mean awkwardness.


    Like as a very awkward person, if you're awkward, friend, you are awkward and that is who you are and you're gonna have that with you your whole life. It's not something that is going away. That's not what I'm talking about.


    So I'm not talking about showing up and being your fully authentic, super awkward self. That has landed me so many dream clients because we're just awkward together. It's amazing, right? However, what I am talking about is showing up with the sense of like convincing someone that they should hire you and also kind of desperate for them to hire you in a way that's like, can you hire me today?


    Or like how soon could you, right? Where you don't feel good about giving them time to think about it. You also don't feel good about saying no to them if they're a problematic scenario. You also don't come with the kind of energy that allows them to just like get to know you with no pressure, right?


    Like if you think about a speed dating scenario, I'm talking about speed dating. Like I have speed dated, I have not. And honestly, I don't know that I would want to. I am not made for that kind of interaction.


    Like I'm made for like long conversations and getting to know you, not like small talk and 15 seconds and I have to know everything I would possibly want to know about you before our 15 seconds is over, right?


    Like that, I don't love that. Speed dating would totally not be my scene. I'm really grateful that I have never had to do it. And so when you're thinking about that, right? You want to show up in a way that's like, there's no pressure.


    Like I don't have to meet somebody tonight. Like I just want to like have some fun, get to know some people, you know, like see if anyone resonates with me. That. kind of energy allows you to enjoy the experience.


    And if you're like, Oh, I can't maybe I like you, like maybe we'd be a good fit. You can decide in the moment, if you're like, maybe I'll give you my number, like maybe I'll let you contact me and take me out on a date, right?


    When you think about consultations, I want you to show up with that same kind of energy. The reason for that is, when you show up like that, you're showing up in full confidence of who you are. So you're like, I am a kick ass doula, right?


    Like I am, I am out here killing it. I'm dueling the hell out of my clients, right? Or if I don't have clients yet, I am about to doula the hell out of them. As soon as I have them, once they come, they will get doula'd, like they've never been doula'd before, right?


    And when you show up like that, you're also just like, coming in a way that is saying to the potential client, like, yeah, I am who I am, whether or not you choose to hire me. I am an amazing doula, whether or not you are my client at the end of this scenario, right?


    You being my client does not validate who I am as a doula. I'm amazing outside of you. And that honestly is life -changing, like life -changing. Because as a business owner, as a doula, your whole personhood should not be wrapped up in your revenue, your business, your client stream, et cetera.


    That is not okay. And if it is, that is going to be rough for you because you're going to have some serious ups and downs that are natural in business that are going to impact you on an emotional and physical and mental health kind of level for a long time.


    So I think it's more than just showing up desperate, right? It's more than just saying like, I want to show up and just feel like you can hire me if you want, but if you don't want to, it's also fine, like no big deal.


    I want you to show up knowing who you are and also being like, I would love to get to know you guys. And if I feel like I would love to be your doula, then at the end of this call, I'm going to be like, hey, I'm going to send you a contract.


    And if you want me to be your doula, you can sign that contract, right? You can pay me, we can start working together. But if you're like, oh, I don't think I want to be your doula, you can also say, I'll be in touch or like send me an email if you think you want to hire me, like let me know, but do not give them away to hire you without you saying yes to it, right?


    And so you then hold a lot of control. Like you get to set yourself up to be the actual CEO of your own life and business, my friend, because that's what you are. Like you control this thing. and not in a way that's awful, in a way that's awesome, like in a way that's really amazing.


    But you can also super -sabotage yourself and that is very detrimental to your physical health, to your mental health, to your spiritual wellbeing, to your business longevity, right, to everything. Like it is a lot to own a business and it's also a lot for you to show up in a way that breaks yourself down.


    So, if you currently feel like you are showing up with that real strong, desperate energy, I have something for you, my friend. On April 8th, at 1 p .m. Eastern, on Zoom, but taught live with yours truly, I will be having a free masterclass called Client Chemistry.


    And as it sounds, it's about getting and keeping your clients, making them amazing, listening with empathy. Having the most amazing answers and everything for your doula consultations. Having a longevity with clients that allows them to be repeats.


    This is the kind of stuff we're going to be talking about. If you've ever had a workshop or a masterclass with me in the past, you know that I jam pack them with value. Like jam fricking packed. So this is something that you will learn a massive amount from.


    There are only a hundred spots. I only ever have a hundred spots because the webinar software that I have only lets me have a hundred people. So I would recommend that you sign up now because it fills up really stinking fast.


    And I want you to have the space to come to it, to learn from it, to grow in your business and to start kicking ass in your client, to feel amazing about who you are, to doula the fricking hell out of your people.


    Right? So that sign up is in the show notes. If you do not find it there or you have questions for me, come over to Instagram at hara doula. If you're not already following me, that's where I am. Send me a message.


    I will personally answer you. I do not have people who are answering my messages and commenting on my stuff and all of that. I don't, I don't, I'm not that big of a deal yet. Right? One day, one day in the future, I will have other people commenting on my Instagram posts for me, but for right now it is me, yours truly.


    And I will come and I will talk to you and I'll answer your questions. And ultimately I will tell you, you need to sign up for the class. It's a free masterclass, my friend. You're going to learn a fricking ton of stuff in there and I want you to be in it.


    So April 8th, 1pm Eastern, all virtual on your own couch with your own pajamas with your own coffee or tea or whatever the heck you want to drink. And you're going to learn some amazing things about having good chemistry with your clients and with your potential clients.


    All right, go. your spot in that class and then I will see you in the next episode. Thanks for joining us for this episode of the doula tips and tits podcast. If you learned something today or had an aha moment we'd love for you to share that on Instagram and tag us at hara doula so we can celebrate alongside you.


    If you found this podcast helpful we would so appreciate you taking a second to leave a rating and a review on your favorite podcast app. That helps other doulas find us as we do this work together. This podcast is intended as educational and entertainment.


    It is not medical advice or business advice. Please consult your own medical or legal team for your own needs around your health and your business. We'll see you again soon.

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We love the give it your all energy and also the maybe kind of awkward energy. That’s not what we are talking about. More of like the please hire me, I really need you as a client like now energy. Today, we are discussing finding worth in finding clients that fit your energy and finding confidence in your abilities as an amazing doula. 

“You being my client does not validate who I am as a doula. I'm amazing outside of you. And that honestly is life -changing, like life -changing. Because as a business owner, as a doula, your whole personhood should not be wrapped up in your revenue, your business, your client stream, et cetera. That is not okay. And if it is, that is going to be rough for you because you're going to have some serious ups and downs that are natural in business that are going to impact you on an emotional and physical and mental health kind of level for a long time. So I think it's more than just showing up desperate, right? It's more than just saying like, I want to show up and just feel like you can hire me if you want, but if you don't want to, it's also fine, like no big deal. “

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If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @harroddoula

Kaely Daily is produced by Kaely Harrod of Harrod Doula Services

It is sponsored by The Birth Prep Blueprint Childbirth Class

Music by Madirfan: Hidden Place on Pixabay


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