What is the Doula Biz Blueprint Self-Paced Course?

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    Welcome to doula Tips and Tits. This podcast is a place where we answer one question about doula work, both to support you and to help you support your clients. I'm Kaylee Harrod. I've been supporting families in this perinatal space since my oldest was born, 12, nearly 13 years ago.


    I am a birth and postpartum doula childbirth educator, La Leche League leader, and a doula coach. I love guiding and supporting doulas as they work out their DULA business. It is a tremendous joy to be trusted in this way.


    Thank you for joining us on this journey. Welcome back to doula Tips and Tits. I want to take today to tell you about the doula Biz Blueprint because this self -paced course is a brand new thing that I'm launching.


    So it was previously part of my coaching group only, and I've decided to make it its own option as a course because not everyone can afford the coaching and not everyone wants the coaching. So this course is comprehensive in terms of business basics, client care, etc, etc.


    So today's episode is answering the question, what actually is the doula Biz Blueprint course? Because I want to give you a good idea of what's on the inside and what you will learn in the midst of this program.


    So what this gives you is clear direction in your business, peace of mind that what you're doing is what you need to be doing, and all of the resources to grow your business. Truly the things that I use in my business now are in this course so that you don't have to figure out what to use.


    You can just take what I'm using and use it yourself. So the kinds of things that you have access to are social media templates, client care emails, client organization forms, birth intake forms, even some resources for where to get good contracts.


    What do we cover in this class? So there are five modules total at the moment. So this class is something that I created about a year and a half ago now and as I mentioned it was previously just part of my coaching program.


    So when I had a coaching group they would have this class and they would also have their weekly time with me and with themself with each other in their coaching group. Now I want this class to be able to stand alone so that you can take it slowly if you need to so that you can take it on your own time if you need to and so that you can decide if you do or don't want to add coaching on in the future which will still be an option but is not a thing that you have to sign up for if you're not able to sign up for that.


    So these modules cover one getting started in business all kinds of logistics. what to do first, how to do it, where to do it, how to think through things. Things like naming your business, forming your LLC, getting an EIN number, so a tax ID number, talking about liability insurance, talking about contracts, talking about packages, all of that kind of logistical stuff.


    The second module is client care. How to take care of them so they have a beautiful experience with you. How to organize their information, how to make sure that you're showing up for them in a way that's good and authentic, but also that you are not losing your mind as your client load grows.


    I very distinctly remember this feeling as I started to get more clients in my early years of being a doula, where I was like, oh my gosh, I'm not gonna remember everybody. Like, what if I forget who's who and whose partner belongs to which person and when people are due and what their baby's names are and all this stuff, right?


    I give you my full organizational system to keep that stuff organized so you can track postpartum packages, you can track where you are with your client information and their packaging, you can put it in there, like who is their backup and where are they delivering and all that kind of stuff.


    The third module is self -care for you because honestly, burnout rates are so insanely high in the doula world that I think sustainability and self -care have to be an incredibly intentional part of your business from the beginning.


    I'm just gonna admit something to you right now. I am still not amazing at self -care. Part of that is I don't wanna blame the Midwest, but I'm from the Midwest and there is kind of a mentality in some parts of the Midwest that is a bit like, put your head down and get shit done, right?


    Like just like buckle up and do what you gotta do to get things done. Now, there is... a part of that that I think is sometimes helpful. Not always, right? But it can be a piece of like resilience and tenacity and perseverance that is a really good thing.


    But it also can be something that literally makes you sacrifice yourself. And what can happen in business around this is that you actually don't care for yourself well, which in turn leads to not caring for your business well.


    So while I am working on practicing what I preach around this, I want you to start off on a healthier foot than I did around this piece, right? Because there have been literally dozens of times in the past seven years that I wanted to completely throw in the towel.


    Like truly, dozens. The only reason I haven't is that I am working on this, that I am working on boundaries, that I am working on having time off, that I'm working on not just saying yes to every offer that anyone ever makes to me, right?


    Because that is how we become our own best bosses. And I know you've heard me talk about that. That's one of my favorite things to talk about with small business owners, because I think what we can sometimes do is sign up to be a business owner and then actually be the worst boss we've ever had, right?


    And we're doing it to ourselves. Like we're treating ourselves like we have zero need outside of the business. And friends, that's just not true. So that whole module talks about pre and post birth rituals that I have.


    It talks about ways to care for yourself in the midst of being with a client. It talks about postpartum care, pre and post things, and how to like manage overnight shifts, for instance. It talks about a wide variety of self -care things, because self -care looks different for everybody.


    Surprise, surprise. I am a person that does this work and lives life in a larger body and also with some health issues that are chronic. And so I also dive into that a little bit. Like how do you do low well when you have chronic health issues yourself?


    How do you support your own body well while you're supporting your clients? So all of that is part of that module so that you can really dig into that yourself and get some good guidelines going from the very beginning of your business, okay?


    Now, if your business has already started and you're just needing some like, you know, like I'm at a place that I'm kind of in a funk and I need some boost, I'm not saying that there's no redemption there, right?


    Like you can get into the self -care game later. That's fine. It is just loads easier to start off with that, okay? The fourth module is twists and turns. Navigating. them yourself and helping your clients navigate them.


    Now what I mean with this is both twists and turns in the business. So unexpected things, right? That's my twist and turns in my mind means things that you did not expect to happen either based on the client's desires, based on what you've been doing in your business, based on postpartum expectations, right?


    Some of this dives a bit into trauma. Some of it dives a bit into secondary trauma when you're the witness of trauma but not the recipient directly. Some of this dives into navigating changes when a client is feeling like they failed at something, right?


    So there's a little bit of everything in there. I do think that doulas need some intentional resilience. education in order to navigate those twists and turns really well because surprise surprise twists and turns are part of every business always.


    But especially when your business is focused on pregnancy and birth and postpartum because there's so many different things that we do not control in that time frame and so many different ways that a client can respond to those things.


    So there has to be some ability to kind of stop and pivot and to help your clients do that as well. Okay now the fifth module is about business goals. So future business goals. Now I know that there is a lot of talk online about things like passive income offers and like online offerings that you know don't require your in -person support and things like that.


    However I'm just going to say this right now. If you have not listened to the passive income podcast that just came out I think it was last week that it was published please go listen to that. Passive income does not just grow magically on its own.


    You have to have people to sell it to and in order to have people to sell it to online you need to have an online audience. That means either an email list or social media following or something where you can sell to people that you have not met in person.


    That is not an easy thing to do my friends. So if you are new at business I want you to consider how you can add that to your business at some point. But if you currently don't have the bandwidth or the knowledge or the size of following to actually make that happen just start thinking about it.


    Just start working on it and consider ways to incorporate some of that. But please do not feel like that is going to magically begin bringing in business for you because that's not how that works okay.


    Now those are the five modules that are like the core modules of the class. In the future my plan is to also have modules that are like bonuses or like extra kind of masterclass sort of modules that are around cultural appropriation in the birth and postpartum spaces, LGBTQIA plus family support, ways to be inclusive, ways to make sure that you're not coming in with negative bias and really like microaggressions in those spaces right, maternal mortality issues and health concerns around maternal mortality and then racism and birth inequality and other sorts of topics like that.


    The reason that those are not currently in this lovely course is that I want to pay people really well to teach those classes. So as I'm able to get experts in these topics and pay them generously for their work, I will be adding those.


    Because this is a course that you own forever, you will get those when they're added. So that's an awesome bonus for you that in the future, you will have more materials in this class than you currently have.


    Now, I have the whole link to sign up in the show notes. I want you to know that right now, so this podcast is coming out kind of in the middle of us advertising this class. It's, the class right now is only $497 because this is the first time that we're like putting it out to you in the public, right?


    The problem is for you is that this class is going to go up in price because it's a lot of content, like a very lot of a whole lot of content and you own it forever. So I am not going to lie to you and say that it's never going to be available again.


    It will, but it will not be at $497. I do not plan to sell it for that price another time beyond this one time because the class is worth at least two times that. And so I want to really have the price reflect the investment that people are making and also the value of the actual content that's in here that you get to use forever, right?


    So it's a big deal. Now, one thing that I am incredibly excited about is that right now I have the class set up on a platform that allows me to offer it with pay as you go options like after pay and a firm.


    That makes me super excited because that's a way for you to get into this class without being able to pay the $497 up front. So if you're thinking to yourself like Kaylee, this is definitely a class I need.


    I'm ready for it. I'm willing to do it. I don't have $497 right now, right? Then you could get started today. for as low as $70 a month and that is magical. Now you of course have to go through the platform of a firm or after pay if you're gonna use those options but even if you can't use those options I have payment plans set up myself so that you have the option to pay as little as $167 today and split up that payment over time so that you are not having to pay the full $497 today okay.


    Now if you have questions about this I have time booked out on my calendar for the next couple weeks for folks to book a call with me and ask some questions. I have that link in the show notes but I also am on Instagram if you have not yet connected with me over there please go do that.


    I love to get to know you like I don't want to just be like oh yes you the random doula who's listening to my podcast. I wanna actually meet you. I love meeting people. And I want to hear about your business and be able to follow you if you're on social media and be able to tell you how amazing you are and engage with your posts and things like that, right?


    So please come see me on Instagram, at Haraddoula, so H -A -R -R -O -D, doula. And connect with me there so that we can kind of get connected and see what things are, what things you're learning from the podcast, what questions you have about the program.


    This program is going to get people started on the strongest foundation they possibly could get started on for doula business, which ultimately leads to success in the future. And I am so incredibly excited about that because that is something I'm very passionate about.


    Like doula's having businesses that grow like crazy, that are sustainable, that are successful, and that 10 years from now are flourishing in a way that you can't even imagine, right? That is my goal for you.


    That is my dream for you. Right now, in April of 2024, if I knew where my business would be today, five years ago, I would have laughed at you. Like if you had said, "'Kaylee, your business is going to be on track "'to make $200 ,000 in 2024." Five years ago, I would have been like, "'Um, that's not possible.


    "'There's absolutely no way.'" That was probably six times what I was bringing in five years ago, right? Like the growth is crazy. And I would have laughed, like literally laughed and been like, I can't imagine that.


    I can't believe what you're saying because there's no world in which I think that's true, right? But that is the reality. That is true. And I'm getting to do the things that I love and the things that I'm passionate about and impacting doulas and impacting clients.


    families that are preparing for birth in a way that lights me up in a way that brings equity to this work right in a way that actually helps birth and business both be better and easier and better supported and that is the stuff that I am so incredibly passionate about.


    So this is the only episode that I will do like this. I know that some of you come to this podcast not needing a class like this right now and so you're not gonna get on here for the rest of the month and hear me just go on and on about the class.


    However this class is awesome and so I needed to devote at least one episode to the awesomeness of it and actually give you a breakdown of what to expect there. So I want you to take time to look it over, take time to book a call with me.


    I would be more than happy to speak to you and to get to kind of answer your questions and then take a minute to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. That is incredibly helpful for future doulas to get a hold of this podcast and hear what to expect on it and see why they think they might like it.


    And it's amazing to other people. So I am excited to see you on the inside of this class. I cannot wait to see you at the first question and answer at the end of the month. And if you have any questions at all, please let me know.


    All right, I'll see you in the next episode. Thanks for joining us for this episode of the doula Tips and Tits podcast. If you learned something today or had an aha moment, we'd love for you to share that on Instagram and tag us at hiradoula so we can celebrate alongside you.


    If you found this podcast helpful, we would so appreciate you taking a second to leave a rating and a review on your favorite podcast app. That helps other doulas find us as we do this work together.


    This podcast is intended as educational and entertainment. It is not medical advice or business advice. Please consult your own medical or legal team for your own needs around your health and your business.


    We'll see you again soon.

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Previously, this Doula Biz Blueprint Self-Paced Course was only offered as a part of my coaching group. But now, you have access to all the goods from business basics, client care, social media templates, etc. Today I am going to give you a sneak peek at some of the goods that are in this self-paced course. 

“So what this gives you is clear direction in your business, peace of mind that what you're doing is what you need to be doing, and all of the resources to grow your business. Truly the things that I use in my business now are in this course so that you don't have to figure out what to use. You can just take what I'm using and use it yourself. So the kinds of things that you have access to are social media templates, client care emails, client organization forms, birth intake forms, even some resources for where to get good contracts.”

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If you like this episode, don't forget to share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @harroddoula

Kaely Daily is produced by Kaely Harrod of Harrod Doula Services

It is sponsored by The Birth Prep Blueprint Childbirth Class

Music by Madirfan: Hidden Place on Pixabay


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